Timothy Sneed
Any time you make big-ticket purchases, your credit score is checked over with a fine-tooth comb. Lenders want to know that you can afford such a purchase and pay back what you owe. However, if your credit score is poor due to non-payment or other reasons, you may be seen as a high-risk borrower. In that case, you may see the value in taking measures to improve your score – such as with authorized user tradelines. Here are five steps to purchase tradelines to potentially improve your borrowing potential.

5 easy steps to purchase tradelines. Source: pixabay.com
1. View your credit profile
Before applying for a loan that sees lenders delve into your credit history, view your credit profile to see where it stands. This step takes priority before looking for AU tradelines to improve it. Make sure everything is correct, and dispute any errors with the companies they relate to. The main factors affecting your credit may be payment history, history length, how much you owe, new credit, and your credit mix.
2. Identity problems and solutions
Once you’ve viewed your credit profile, you would have gained some understanding of the problem areas. Maybe your credit profile’s age is to blame, or your payment history is not perfect after too much overspending over the festive period. Whatever the cause, you can now start thinking about AU tradelines that combat each of those problems. For example, a seasoned tradeline may be able to make up for only having a short credit history.
3. Choose tradelines
The two primary considerations when selecting tradelines are the credit limit and card age. While a high credit limit can be a desirable feature, a card’s age can often have more impact. An accounts age ratio calculator can help you determine your account age and the most desirable tradeline to aim for to improve its average age. If your credit history dates back three years, seeking tradelines to bring it up to around eight years may help you on your journey to a new car or home.
4. Choose a tradeline provider
With an idea of the tradeline age and type you require, start looking for a reputable tradeline provider to purchase from. Read what others have to say about them by checking out online reviews. Even consider reading all information on their website so that you can get an idea of their standing in the financial community before you utilize them to assist with your bad credit. When you’ve found the perfect AU tradelines provider, check out their available tradelines to buy.
5. Make your purchase
You can make your purchase after doing your homework to determine the right tradelines for your credit report. However, before you buy them, make sure there are no fraud alerts or credit freezes on your account. If an alert for fraud or a freeze comes up on your account, tradelines will not be able to affect your score. If everything comes up clean, you can go ahead with your purchase and wait for your new credit score to take effect.
Purchasing tradelines can be challenging if you are not sure what is involved in the process. These five steps above may be able to assist with the process so that you can make your big-ticket purchase with full confidence.

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