This service offers same-day grocery deliveries in two-hour slots

Amazon Fresh delivery service expands to one more country. Source:
Amazon Fresh has launched in Spain, according to Ecommerce News. It starts in and around Madrid, but will soon also arrive in Barcelona and, later on, in other Spanish cities.
With Amazon Fresh, Spanish consumers can order meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and many other products and have their orders delivered to them the same day.
The launch is perfect timing, as the coronacrisis has changed consumer habits with an increasing number of people now buying their groceries online.
Spanish newspaper El País says the launch of Amazon Fresh raises the pressure on Mercadona, Carrefour, Lidl, Aldi, Ahorramas and El Corte Inglés.
In addition to Spain, Amazon Fresh is currently operating in the United States, Japan, and 3 European countries: the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy, where it has also just premiered.
We’ve reported that Jeff Bezos to step down as Amazon CEO.

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