eBay simplifies exploring new items

eBay introduced a?new feature. Source:?shutterstock.com
eBay’s latest feature offers users a new way to shop and discover on eBay. If a user sees something that piques their interest while shopping through eBay’s catalog, they can tap on the three dots on the top right corner of the listing and start exploring similar items.

eBay’s latest feature offers users a new way to shop and discover on eBay. Source: ebayinc.com
Here’s how to use the feature:
- Open the eBay app
- Search or tap browse to visit one of the categories or interests
- Tap on the three dots next to an item you would like to explore. This will pull up a screen that lets you explore a number of options related to the item, including the popular “looks like this” feature.
The feature is available?live on eBay iOS and Android apps in the US, UK, Germany, and Australia.
SEE ALSO:?How to buy on eBay – tips and tricks

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