Online retailers who offer only one payment method reach a maximum of 6 out of 10 customers

Most popular payment method among Germans unveiled. Source:
According to Ecommerce News, 57% of German consumers prefer to pay with PayPal when they are shopping online.
The Institute for Banking Innovation at the University of Regensburg has conducted a survey of 1,011 regular German online shoppers. This way, they revealed their preferences, experiences, and behavior when paying online.
This study shows that 72% of German online customers have a payment method they prefer over others, whereas 11% of them even want to use their favorite method only. Among consumers with a preferred payment method, 57% of the respondents would choose PayPal. At the same time, 22% of online shoppers would pay by invoice, whereas 11% of them would choose a credit card and. Only 5% of customers surveyed would use direct debit.
The fact that German customers have their preferred payment method doesn’t mean online retailers across Germany should ignore the rest of them. The study showed that no payment method is liked by all customers. That’s why, by offering a wider range of payment methods,? retailers can increase the flow of customers.

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