All you need to launch a thriving business is an idea, capital, a place, and a little bit of luck. However, the practice has shown that some of these points can often be omitted

5 great business giants that started in garages. Source:
Many people dream of creating something outstanding or remarkable, like writing a book, breaking world records, making an important scientific discovery, or creating a significant company. Here is where we face problems and obstacles, like the lack of money, lack of business premises, prohibitive time pressure, etc. Statistically, most start-uppers give up. But today we will talk about those who didn’t stop?and passed these difficult and tricky tests.
Many business giants started their empires from scratch. Moreover, they didn’t have a significant seed capital, large offices, or huge teams. At best, they had an old garage and a couple of like-minded friends.
PaySpace Magazine has listed five significant corporations, which were born in garages.

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