We’ve gathered some of the best and most interesting articles over the last week.
What is the gender pay gap?
Although it’s hard to believe, this shameful practice is still a reality in the twenty-first century. We’ll shed some light on the gender pay gap.
Here’s how much money Brits saved by shopping in apps
According to Barclays Digital Eagles?research, Brits are reaping the benefits of apps and doing things online. In fact, convenience (60%), saving money (35%) and saving time (35%) listed as the top reasons why people now, more than ever, keep their phones up to date with the most popular apps.
PaySpace Magazine anticipates that even more seniors will be into online shopping in the nearest future. Since lockdowns set new rules for everyone, why don’t they find benefits by choosing a convenient way for shopping?
Top 5 bank robberies in India
Let’s recall the biggest and boldest robberies that have taken place in India in recent times.
Dow Jones Industrial Average index explained
The stock market puzzles newbies with the variety of numbers and symbols that change in the real-time. We’ll explain one of the most important concepts related to stock performance – the Dow aka DJIA.
Top 7 cloud security threats
Here is a list of the most common security issues the cloud environment faces.
Top 10 economies in the world
PaySpace Magazine Global wonders which economies have managed to preserve stability and show resilience amidst the global turmoil.
How to choose the right card terminal for your business
When it comes to establishing payment options for your business, cashless is key. A growing number of consumers are deciding to shop online and in-store with credit or debit cards. There are a number of factors to consider when it comes to setting up cashless payment options in your store. From cost to size, it can be impossible to know which one to choose. Continue reading to find out the many different options available to you and how to select the right one.
Money20/20 Europe
Radical change requires a radical catalyst. Fintech has a big journey to go on, and Money20/20 Europe is here to help you take the first big leap into the unknown.
This September, get ready for a reimagined Money20/20 Europe experience that puts you in the driving seat. The conversations that take place here will decide our collective trajectory.

Pay Space
Our editorial team delivers daily news and insights on the global payment industry, covering fintech innovations, worldwide payment methods, and modern payment options.